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Times of Giving

Many years ago while employed in a small town post office, there was a dear soul of a person wishing to conduct business very discreetly and secretively.  On occasion, this person would place cash in a plain envelope and address it to a resident who would, in all likelihood, be greatly blessed by the contents.  This wasn't directed to a specific person each time, but someone perceived to be in a financial pinch.  However, there was never a return address listed on the correspondence.  Therefore, the addressee would have no evidence of its origin.  (Granted, it's never a good idea to put cash in the mail stream.  However, in that day and time when local mail never left the home office, this was no concern.) One couldn't help but admire the heart of this hard-working, loving person.  This person will be truly blessed for these actions, and obviously already has indeed.  You see, this giving was done in secret.  Not for show, nor for others to know, see and boast about.  It

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