Give Thanks

This post was written on Saturday, November 27, 2010

As I sit down to write this post, I’m reflecting on my thoughts on the events of this blessed day. I’ve so much to be thankful for that I know not where to begin to form a list of benefits provided by His blessed Hands. Though I had the blessing of being with many precious family members who are so dearly loved and enjoying the good fellowship and food, I was taken away for a small portion of this day to notice a few folks who would likely tell you this was not their happiest Thanksgiving experience.

We like to tell everyone we know that we all have something for which we can be thankful, and indeed we do. Just to be able to live in this Nation alone, is something for which we could give thanks. On this day I couldn’t help but be called aside to a little more serious level of appreciation for His many blessings in my life. When we see someone in the grips of depression due to the blows of life circumstances, we have to let our “merry heart” behavior remember the need to shine forth in compassion for the hurting.

Some people sat home today and had a day just like any other, that being not so good. There were no special foods, no loving family support, no one to laugh and chat with, and too low in spirit to even care. What am I trying to say? I wish I knew exactly. This is just an expression of my heart and the need that seems so prevalent to help the one who just can’t seem to help himself anymore.

Today I’m thankful for my freedom with my God and my Country. I’m grateful for a group of Pilgrims who would risk all to find a land of freedom and a place of worship to the Almighty God. May we never lose sight of the price of our blessings. They came with great costs. No, freedom wasn’t cheap.

My prayer is to see a Nation once again honor the Creator of the Universe with a humble heart and a grateful spirit for all that He has provided. As we celebrate this wonderful season of the year, may we always remember those souls who are hurting this season. May we help them find their way back to their recognition of all that our God has provided.

Blessings to all, Happy Thanksgiving,


Scripture Reference:

Philippians 4:6-7 “Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”


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